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Cookies and similar technologies

Last updated 22 March 2022

We, the LEXMT Group (ADSS), wish to provide a notice about cookies and similar technologies deployed when you use our online services such as our website, app, content and features or otherwise engage with us online.

This notice should be read in conjunction with our website privacy notice which explains how we process personal data collected through cookies and similar technologies.

Manage Cookies

1. What are cookies and similar technologies?
These are technologies that enable us to store information, or access information stored, on your device such as your computer or other device.

Cookies are small text files sent to or accessed by your web browser which will enable you to navigate our online services and features. Cookies sit on your device and make themselves known to us when you access online services such as our website or app. We see how you as our returning user navigate our services on different occasions and what content you might be interested in.

Pixels or tags are tiny graphics files that are downloaded when you interact with our online services. This will then alert us that you have clicked on content, opened our email or other action. These are typically used to capture interaction information and measure the relevance of our content.

Tracking URLs are custom generated links that help us understand which page you come to us from and later go to.

Local storage is used to more efficiently manage the temporary storage of information that allows you to access our services on your device.

Digital fingerprint is used to recognise your device based on your device & browser data without relying on cookies.

2. Why do we use cookies and similar technologies?

Like most organisations with online presence, we use cookies and similar technologies to:

Provide our services which is not possible without certain essential cookies;

Remember functional details such as your settings and preferences to improve your experience, speed up your searches and recognise you when you return to our service;

Understand our online traffic through analytics tools;

Personalise our marketing and advertising by creating an advertising profile; and

Connect you with our social media features.

To accomplish this, we will, in certain cases, also link information from cookies and similar technologies with personal data held about you.


3. Whose cookies and similar technologies are deployed in connection with my device?

We will deploy cookies and similar technologies ourselves. However, our services will also include cookies and similar technologies deployed by third parties.

For example, third party cookies will enable providers to find out how you used our services and combine that information with other third party information. Advertising cookies deployed by third party service providers remember your browsing activity and group together your interests which they know, observe or infer to send you personalised ads. Such personalisation is only possible because of profiling carried out with information collected through cookies and similar technologies. This may include your demographics, behaviour and preferences. We manage our ads through a variety of digital marketing networks and advertisement exchanges and use a range of advertising technologies and analytics tools.


4. Acceptance

When you use our online services, essential cookies and similar technologies which are required to provide our services will be automatically set on your device.

Others will also be set if you accept cookies and similar technologies by selecting your choices in the cookie panel. As already mentioned, some cookies are provided by third parties and your acceptance of cookies will extend to such third parties.

This means, for example, that if you chose to accept “Analytics” cookies we will feel encouraged to use Google Analytics and it will constitute consent for Google to deploy its cookies which collect statistical information about how users including yourself interact with our online services.


5. How long are cookies used?

The lifespan of each cookie will depend on their purpose. We use both session and persistent cookies. Session cookies only last until you close your browser. Persistent cookies aren’t automatically deleted when you close your browser as their purpose is to recognise returning users.


6. Refusing cookies

You do not have to accept cookies (apart from the essential ones), but without accepting them the functionality of our services will be reduced. We operate a Consent Management Platform which helps us to comply with the cookies consent requirements. You can change your cookies preferences at any time by clicking “Manage Cookies” and mark your new choices.

While we try to ensure that your choices are fully respected, this may not always be possible, particularly where third parties are involved. For example, if you do not agree to “Social Media” cookies but you still interact with our Instagram plugin in our online services, Facebook may set certain essential and non-essential cookies outside our control. As explained in our privacy notice, you should read the privacy notice of our third parties such as Facebook for more detail.

For this reason, aside from relying on our cookie settings, please also consider:

Turning off the automatic download feature in your browser, as described at;

Opting out from online interest-based advertising from companies that participate in opt-out programs through the Digital Advertising Alliance, the Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance,  Appchoices or Network Advertising Initiative. We do not participate but some of our advertising partners may do; and

Opting out from third party services that deploy cookies and similar technologies, such as  Google Analytics, by visiting or by downloading the opt-out add-on at


7. What happens if I disable cookies?

By disabling cookies, you may experience a reduced service. For example, opting out of the placement of advertising cookies does not necessarily mean that you will not see advertisements – it means you won’t see personalised advertising.

Note that if you delete or clear cookies on your device, the next time you visit our website our cookie consent banner will reappear, and you will need to select your preferences again. Remember that if you change your settings to exclude cookies in your browser or device but later request services by interacting with our service features (e.g. you click on a social media plug-in on our website), this may override your browser or device settings.

8. List of cookies and similar technologies


Cookie name Category Vendor Description Duration
gcl_au advertising Google Adsense to store and track conversions persistent
is-repeat-visit functional ADSS to track repeat visits to disable UI features persistent
_ga analytics Google to store and count pageviews 1 year
_fbp advertising Facebook to store and track visits across websites 3 months
intercom-session-ipatg303 functional Intercom unique browser session identifier to allow the user access to their conversations and have data communicated on logged out pages 1 week after log in
intercom-id-ipatg303 analytics Intercom visitor identifier 9 months
CMSPreferredCulture essential Kentico stores preferred content culture 1 year
ASP.NET_SessionId essential .NET used by the ASP.NET framework to identify the current session 1 day
AMCVS_00C803225DBAE27D0A495E7C%40AdobeOrg advertising ADSS serves as a flag indicating that the session has been initialized 2 years
AMCV_00C803225DBAE27D0A495E7C%40AdobeOrg advertising ADSS to create and store unique, persistent identifiers for site visitors 2 years
_gid analytics Google to store and count pageviews 1 day
s_cc analytics Adobe to read if cookies are enabled session
CMSCurrentTheme essential Kentico Stores visual theme for dialog windows 1 day
__cf_bm essential CloudFlare bot management service 30 minutes after inactivity
s_sq analytics Adobe to store information about previous link session
_gat_UA-86329046-1 analytics Google to provide technical monitoring session
AT_UserID functional AlphaStream user authentication cookie in connection with our content personalisation feature session
_ga (NetDania) analytics Google deployed by NetDania for analytics purposes in connection with our content personalisation feature 2 years
_lfa (NetDania) advertising Leadfeeder to store and track audience reach in connection with our content personalisation feature 2 years
_auc (NetDania) analytics Alexa Analytics to collect statistics in connection with our content personalisation feature 2 years
_gid (NetDania) analytics Google to store and count pageviews in connection with our content personalisation feature 1 year
_asc (NetDania) analytics Alexa Analytics in connection with our content personalisation feature 1 day
_gcl_au (NetDania) advertising Google Adsense to store and track conversions in connection with our content personalisation feature 1 day
_hj* analytics Hotjar user movements analytics in connection with our content personalisation feature (link) Persistent
authToken (string) functional to authenticate all LEXMTTerminal API requests in connection with our content personalisation feature Session
browser storage – personalization (boolean) functional AlphaStream to record user preferences in connection with our content personalisation feature Persistent
browser storage -userId (string) functional AlphaStream to authenticate user in LEXMT Terminal in event tracker API in connection with our content personalisation feature Persistent
browser storage -user (object) functional AlphaStream To display user first name, last name, email address on users profile page in connection with our content personalisation feature Persistent
browser storage -username (string) functional AlphaStream to show user email address in connection with our content personalisation feature Persistent

© Company Name: FMTG Systems LLC Company Registered No.: 1031 LLC 2022 Company License No.: T2162100